# Organisers to do list for each meeting Tasks to complete before and after each meeting. ## First - [ ] Choose the material to discuss from the [reading list](./../reading-list). We suggest voting on this in the previous meeting! - [ ] Decide on three questions around the piece to discuss. - [ ] Create a meeting information file in the `site/content/join_in/meetings/` folder from the `meeting_template.md` file under the correct month with links and the three discussion questions. - [ ] Update the meeting overview list (in `site/join_in/join_in.md` under "Upcoming Meetings") with a link to the new meeting information page. - [ ] Update the next meeting reference file in `site/join_in/meetings/next-meeting` which makes sure people get to the next meeting from the homepage of the website. ## One week before the meeting - [ ] Send a one-week reminder to the group with quick links to the online meeting, the reading material and the discussion questions. We usually also include a link to last week's write up if it is ready. ## On the day of the meeting - [ ] Send an on-the-day reminder to the mailing list with quick links to the online meeting, the reading material and the discussion questions. - [ ] Make sure you have three choices from the reading list for attendees to vote on for the next meeting. - [ ] Have a 3-minute verbal summary of the material ready in case nobody in the meeting is prepared to volunteer one. - [ ] Set up a new HackMD document for collaborative writing in the meeting. See instructions for this [here](./howto-sync-hackmd.md). ## After the meeting - [ ] Update the meeting information file with the outcome of the poll and a link to the summary document. - [ ] Move the meeting on the overall meeting list, and make the next one! - [ ] Sync the HackMD document with the repository to capture the discussion as it was written. - [ ] Edit the HackMD document into a summary of the meeting. - [ ] Once the write up is finished, follow the instructions in [the following guide.](./howto-add-writeups.md)