--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": | Data Ethics Club information, reading lists and meeting details. html_theme.sidebar_secondary.remove: true --- # Welcome to Data Ethics Club

```{image} images/logo.png :width: 200px :alt: The Data Ethics Club logo - a teal hex-sticker lablled "Data Ethics Club" showing binary in darker teal with some numbers coloured pink-red to show a heart. The binary reads 01100101 01110100 01101000 01101001 01100011 01110011 which converts to "ethics". ``` _Data Ethics Club_ is a "journal" club about doing data science ethically. "Journal" because we will also read blog posts, (parts of) books, listen to podcasts or watch videos. ```{button-link} join_in/meetings/next-meeting.html :color: primary :align: center Click here for the details of our next meeting ``` ```{button-link} https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=DATAETHICSCLUB&A=1 :color: primary :align: center :outline: Join the mailing list to get future meeting reminders ``` Our meetings are open to all and we are lucky to have attendees from around the world and with diverse expertise from data protection lawyers, to healthcare data scientists, to ethics PhD students, to people who are just interested in data. We also love when people [contribute in other ways too](join_in/contributing), whether that's suggesting content for [our reading list](reading-list) or [writing a blog for the website](write_ups/write-ups)! You might even want to [re-use our materials](how_to/reuse_dec) to start your own group.

If you have any questions, or want to know more, [then get in touch with our organisers](about/contact). ### Our Community Data Ethics Club is organised by a [small team](contact), but all our materials have been built by a community of data ethics enthusiasts! Check out our community contributors below. ✨

📋 🤔 🎨 🖋 💬 📝
Nina Di Cara
Nina Di Cara

📋 🤔 🖋 💬 🚇 📝

🖋 💬 📝

🎨 🖋 📝
Valentina Ragni
Valentina Ragni
Matt Williams
Matt Williams

Miranda Mowbray
Miranda Mowbray

🖋 📝
Edwin Simpson
Edwin Simpson

Valerio Maggio
Valerio Maggio

🖋 📝
Tom Whittaker
Tom Whittaker


Zoë Turner
Zoë Turner

🖋 🚧 📝
Paula Andrea Martinez
Paula Andrea Martinez

🖋 🚧 📝
Vanessa Hanschke
Vanessa Hanschke

🖋 📝 💬
Jenny Brennan
Jenny Brennan

Paul Lee
Paul Lee

📝 🖋
Henry Addison
Henry Addison

Robin Dasler
Robin Dasler

Adriano Winterton
Adriano Winterton

Al Tanner
Al Tanner

🤔 📝
Christina Hitrova
Christina Hitrova

Eanes T. Pereira
Eanes T. Pereira

Graham Lee
Graham Lee

Kamilla Wells
Kamilla Wells

📝 🖋
James Cussens
James Cussens

Ola Michalec
Ola Michalec

Sergio A. Araujo-Estrada
Sergio A. Araujo-Estrada

Tessa Darbyshire
Tessa Darbyshire

Roman Shkunov
Roman Shkunov

📋 📝 🤔 🖋
Anna Ledwoch
Anna Ledwoch

🚧 📝
Christopher Edsall
Christopher Edsall

Charles Radclyffe
Charles Radclyffe

🖋 🤔
Ikko Ashimine
Ikko Ashimine

Ben Cooper
Ben Cooper


Vivienne Kuh
Vivienne Kuh

Soumya Banerjee
Soumya Banerjee

Jessica Woodgate
Jessica Woodgate

🤔 🖋

(Psst, [let us know](contact) if you need to be added to the contributors list!) ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: join_in/join_in reading-list write_ups/write-ups how_to/reuse_dec about/about ```