# Data Ethics Club meeting 26-05-21, [1-2 BST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Data+Ethics+Club+-+26th+May&iso=20210526T13&p1=299&ah=1) ## Meeting info ### Quick links Zoom link: https://bristol-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/99654848727?pwd=dzUvQUErTGREYUNzb3ExMnJON3pDUT09 Link to content: https://news.techworkerscoalition.org/2021/03/09/issue-5/ ### Description You're welcome to join us for our next Data Ethics Club meeting on Wednesday 26th at [1-2 BST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Data+Ethics+Club+-+26th+May&iso=20210526T13&p1=299&ah=1). You don't need to register, just pop in. We're going to be talking about ['Living in the Hidden Realms of AI: The Workers Perspective'](https://news.techworkerscoalition.org/2021/03/09/issue-5/) which is about the experience of annotating data for a living on Mechanical Turk, and the workers' recent moves towards unionisation. Thank you to Vanessa Hanschke for suggesting this week's content and questions! ### Discussion points There will be time to talk about whatever we like, relating to the paper, but here are some specific questions to think about while you're reading. - How far down the pipeline should our ethical responsibility as data scientists reach? - What are better ways of recognising the contributions of annotators who are crucial to the existence of clean data sets and the products based on these data sets? - What are our future visions of labour in a world that is becoming more data and AI centric? ---