# Data Ethics Club meeting [06-04-22, 1pm UK time][timedate] ## Meeting info ### Quick links [Zoom link][zoom] Link to content: [The Algorithmic Colonization of Africa][content] ### Description You're welcome to join us for our next Data Ethics Club meeting on [6th April 1pm UK time][timedate]. You don't need to register, just pop in. This time we're going to watch/read [The Algorithmic Colonization of Africa][content] by Abeba Birhane. ### Discussion points There will be time to talk about whatever we like, relating to the paper, but here are some specific questions to think about while you're reading. - Birhane states that tech solutions are made on the basis of utilitarianism - “the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people,” - which means that solutions that center minorities are never sought. Do you agree, and what are the alternatives? - How does [White Saviourism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_savior) show up in the pursuit of tech solutions for social good? - What Western ideals influence the way we build technology in the Global North? What should we be doing to learn more effectively from other parts of the world? --- [timedate]: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Data+Ethics+Club+-+Algorithmic+Colonization+of+Africa&iso=20220406T13&p1=%3A&ah=1 [content]: https://reallifemag.com/the-algorithmic-colonization-of-africa/ [zoom]: https://bristol-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/94475153265