# Data Ethics Club meeting [19-10-22, 1pm UK time][timedate] ## Meeting info ### Quick links [Zoom link][zoom] Content: [Patient and public involvement to build trust in artificial intelligence: A framework, tools, and case studies][content] ### Description You're welcome to join us for our next Data Ethics Club meeting on [19th October, 1pm UK time][timedate]. You don't need to register, just pop in. This time we're going to watch/read [Patient and public involvement to build trust in artificial intelligence: A framework, tools, and case studies][content] by Dr Soumya Banerjee and colleagues, about how research advisory groups can be used to build trust in, and create more ethical, AI-health research. The piece this week is a little bit longer, so you could just stick to the following two sections if you're short on time: - Framework for building trust and typical patient concerns - Discussion ### Discussion points Questions to think about: - Do you agree that it is important to increase public and patient trust in AI? - What would you consider good evidence that research advisory groups are successful in their aims of more ethical and/or trustworthy research? - Is there anything that you think research advisory groups should not have a say in? Or anything that they don’t have a say in that you think they should? --- [timedate]: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Data+Ethics+Club%3A+Patient+and+public+involvement+to+build+trust+in+artificial+intelligence&iso=20221019T13&p1=299&ah=1 [content]: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666389922000988 [zoom]: https://bristol-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/94475153265